Editing survey questionnaire data

In the menu under EDIT DATA you can select survey questionnaire to edit the questionnaire data, in figure 1 an example is shown of editing the  Employment questionnaire data.


Figure 1, questionnaire data

In the data grid on the left, the registration data is shown for the questions Surveyor, name, tel, gender and Address, on the right it shows the questions employed, employment type and Income for the Employment questionnaire. As you can see there are no submissions of data for the Employment questionnaire for any of the registration data.

In this tutorial we discuss the fuctions available through the buttons above the grid for editing the data in the Employment questionnaire.



You can change the state of the grid by filtering, ordering and showing or hiding the columns. To save the state you prefer click the SAVE STATE button.


NEW ROW, submit an employment questionnaire

With the New row button you can submit a new questionnaire for one of the registration values. To do this select the row for which you want to submit a new employment questionnaire and press the NEW ROW button. This will open the employment questionnaire, when you filled in the questionnaire the data will be added to the grid. This is shown in figure 2 where we selected Jessica in the grid and submitted a new questionnaire.


Figure 2, added questionnaire data for Jessica


EDIT ROW, edit an employment questionnaire

To edit the questionnaire data, select the row for which you want to edit the data and click the EDIT ROW button, this will open the questionnaire and you can edit the question values. The updated values will be updated in the grid.



RESET ROW, reset an employment questionnaire

To delete questionnaire data, select the row for which you want to delete the data and click the RESET ROW button, this will delete the questionnaire data as shown in figure 3. The data will be removed from the mobile app of the user, to undelete select the question and press the RESET ROW button again.


Figure 3, deleting the questionnaire data for Jessica


NEW EMPTY ROWS, add empty questionnaire questions for each registration

In a scenario whereby you want to submit for each registration an empty survey you can use the NEW EMPTY ROWS button. This will add an empty employment questionnaire to each registration, see the result in figure 4. Note that for Jessica there are now two employment questionnaire submitted.


Figure 4, adding empty questionnaires for all registrations


NEW ROWS, add questionnaire questions with default values

In a scenarios whereby you want to submit for each registration a questionnaire with default values you can use the NEW ROWS button. This will open the survey questionnaire and when submitted it will be submitted for a registration surveys, see the result in figure 5. Note that the questionnaires are added to existing questionnaires.


Figure 5, adding questionnaires with default values for all registrations

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